
Mission trip

You can make a difference in Romania! Help practical and spiritual in the slums during an unforgettable life-changing journey. Groups that visit us are different in age, skills and size. Most groups come for a week. We expect compassion, respect for the culture and flexibility from a group. If you are interested you can contact us and together we can explore the possible options for a program that fits your group.

What can you expect during a mission trip
In the morning we do practical work for the organization, like building a camp building or restoring the meeting center. In the afternoon we will have a children’s program with 60 to 120 Roma children. Some evenings we will have meetings with the teenagers in the neighborhood. There will be time for recreation or sight seeing and there are moments with the local team, with time for questions and background information about the missionary work.

Visit us with a team

Childrenprogram in the slums
Practical work with a team from GAiN

Barbecue with a Dutch team and teenagers from the slums

Historical center of Cluj-Napoca: perfect for some recreational time!

Great experiences with an amazing team

"It was an amazing experience for me where I have received as much as I have given."
Team Nehemia-Ministries
"This journey brought me closer to God. Thank you for this wonderful trip. I would love to come back one day."
Group YouChooze Wageningen
"I had a very blessed time! I have learned so much. You where a blessing to me. Thank you so much."
Youth with a Mission